Saturday, January 4, 2014

Some new visitors

Finally some activity in the old backyard, I was beginning to think the birds have all left and are never returning. Alas patience is a virtue.
One of two male bunting seen, so glad they found my new house.

Mockingbird enjoying the berries. 

Yea , love to see the Eastern Cottontail bunnies, so far only at night. 

A set of Blue jays, always fun to watch

Red bellied, has been a constant. Got to love them for that. 

The male doesn't seem as shy this time. 

The female on the other hand is very camera shy.

Both the Buntings, are shy. I have to practice my prowling on them.

A new bird. Just appeared the other day, A Goldfinch. 

A Eastern Phoebe comes and goes. 

A very shy Common Ground Dove.


  1. Great set of pics I love them all, good to know they are comming to your new yard. When ever we stayed at our friends house near Miami, it was always one of the high-lights being a ble to film all the wildlife in his 3 acre yard. This last trip was however very disapointing, he now has 3 cats and so no birds, no lizards nothing.
    All the best Gordon.

  2. You have a wonderful variety bird visitors. The painted burnings are always extra special.
    For the second year in a row a femal painted bunting has come to our feeders with a pair of cardinals. I find that quite odd but I love seeing them together.
    Happy New Year to you both.

  3. Glad to see you have so many wonderful yard visitors! The male Buntings are sooo pretty! I would love to see one in my yard! Happy New Year!!


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